I created this game for an open house I had during the 13-14 school year. My school had a Strega Nona themed open house, and all the teachers were to put together an activity that went with the theme. I had planned on putting on some Italian music until I saw an online quiz going around and got inspired. I put together a huge list of Italian composers and pastas (53 in all) and created a slideshow game. There are also cards at the end if you want to add your own. Three print options for the game cards. Here are some ideas for using the game: • Emergency sub plans for all ages (Even little ones can have fun with this!) • Perfect because your sub does not have to be a music person. • Open House Activity (This is the reason I created this game. My school was having a “Strega Nona” themed open house, and was inspired after seeing an online quiz.. I thought that doing this as a quick game while people walked in and out would be fun since I share my space.) • End of class reward. My 5-8 general music students beg to play this game! • Game Day • Game at the end of a composer unit • Cross Cultural Activity on Italy